Share your story:
Documenting COVID-19 in Hoboken

Project overview

Hoboken, like so many other communities, is learning to adapt to the impact of the COVID-19 health crisis. Here at the Hoboken Historical Museum, we are hoping to document the impact on our community in real time, using crowd sourcing, in addition to our own collections efforts. While we can’t possibly preserve everything, we are interested in collecting as many different stories, interviews, images, audio files, and videos as we can, as quickly as possible. Over time, our goal is to collect objects, oral histories, artistic responses, and more for a retrospective exhibit at a future date, much like our Superstorm Sandy exhibit in 2013.

Via this website, we will be accepting your digital contributions throughout the COVID-19 health crisis. As we go along, we are hoping to share examples of these submissions here and on the @HobokenMuseum social media accounts. Ultimately, a representative sampling of submitted materials will be preserved in the Hoboken Historical Museum collections for future generations. Browse a selection of stories and images submitted from other Hobokenites on the the other pages of this site.

To begin sharing your story, please provide us with your contact information below.

You can submit links to published content in the form on this page.

Or you can send files of your original content, photos or video to